

Welcome to my blog. I am sharing my guide to a well styled, traveled and cozy life.

So glad you are here!



Happy New Year Friends!!!!! After a few weeks off from blogging, it feels so good to be back. There is always something so special about the clean and fresh start that comes with the New Year, but 2021 is so much more than that. For me personally, I am looking to a brighter future; focusing on staying healthy, being in the moment, shopping local, living more organically, and being my most authentic self.

When a New Year begins, I always make a list of things that I want to focus on. Whether it is being healthier, starting a new hobby, or simply expanding on past enjoyments. Following the creation of my list, I like to think of what kind of tools or resources I could use to help me achieve my goals. Often times I find that these items are exactly what I need to help inspire me to meet the goals I have set for myself. I thought it would be fun to share some of those products with you, and maybe they can help inspire you too!

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  1. Cut Flower Garden: Not only is this one of my favorite coffee table books, it is one of my most used books. Gardening, especially flower growing, is one of my favorite past times through the warmer months. Every year, I try to gain more and more knowledge to help me grow the flower garden of my dreams. This book provides the best tips and tricks to all kinds of flower growing. I am adding this to my favorite finds for the New Year, because for me personally, looking forward and planning for warmer weather gets me through these frigid months!

  2. Floret Flower seeds: Going along with the Cut Flower Garden book, flower seeds are a great thing to start purchasing early in the year if you plan on putting a garden together! Over the years I have found that the best variety of seeds often sell out very early. I have already placed my order on Floret and can’t wait to start planning my cut garden.

    Also- you can now watch Growing Floret (a show based on Floret Flower Farm near Seattle) on the new streaming service Discovery Plus home of the Magnolia Network… no surprise here but I highly suggest it! Watching a show like this with your family could be just want you need to bridge the gap between the cold and warmer months, leaving you and your family looking forward to creating something together that can last all summer long.

  3. Time Stamped Water Bottle: If you know me, drinking water is the fix for everything. Headache? Drink water. Tired? Drink water. Hungry? Drink water. Stressed? Drink water. Skin troubles? Drink Water. Bored? Drink water. LOL I think you get it. Even though I love drinking water, when I am busy working I have a difficult time keeping track of my intake. So of course, what is better than a time stamped water bottle!!! This easily helps you keep track of how much water you have drank in a day, and how much more you need to!

  4. Gua Shu: I’ve had a jade roller for years and love it, but this tool is so new to me.. but I am loving it!!

  5. Nike Tennis Shoes: I don’t think there is anything more refreshing (especially in the New Year) than a fresh new pair of sneakers. I personally always go for a black pair of Nikes (Flyknit style is always my favorite design) to help keep me motivated with going to the gym.

  6. Ninja Pro-Blender: I recently purchased this blender and I have no other words other than I am OBSESSED! Literally perfect for blending up a quick smoothie. It comes with two sizes of blender cups and blends things SO fast. Plus I love that the blender cups can be used to drink out of, super functional and helps for minimal clean up, which is literally my least favorite thing. Keep an eye out, I may start sharing some of my quick smoothie recipes…I am in the trial and error phase right now!

  7. Elemis Resurfacing Pads: I have always been a fan of resurfacing pads, I love the idea of getting in a good exfoliation every few days. However, I have sensitive skin so finding a pad that isn’t too hard can be quite difficult. That was until I found these Elemis pads, they get the job done without being over powering. I use these guys every other day, which for me helps justify the price of them (my accountant boyfriend is rubbing off on me LOL)!

I am so excited for this year, I plan on making it the best no matter what obstacles are thrown my way. I hope you all can do the same and I look forward to growing into the future with you guys!
